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It is estimated that a person spends average two years of his life standing in line waiting to be served. In a classic model of customer care the people become part of an inflexible system forcing in all cases to remain waiting until being served. Moreover, service providers lack of intelligent tools to help optimize the use of resources and to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction. SinCola is a solution for managing turns, which manages the full cycle of customer care, from before the customer reaches the site even after being treated, with a new process: Pre-arrival: Request tickets via SMS / Native Apps, Recommendation branch with less congestion of people and according to customer location. Attention: Request on-site ticket, Registration and routing to service queues, Transfers between services. Post-Attention: Customer satisfaction surveys, Management indicators. Sincola is working now in hospitals that also offer appointments, and appointment reminders through SMS.
National Ranking
in Venezuela
Regional Ranking
in South America
Global Ranking
Rankings by SemRush